Wynn is 6 Months!

Our baby boy is growing up so fast! Every day he learns and discovers something new. So we decided to film his 1st taste of solid-ish food, rice cereal. I'm pretty sure he loves it! Happy Easter and Happy 6 Months Wynn!!

Wynn's 1st Meal from Ivey Pictures on Vimeo.

How to Fry a Turkey

You might think that frying turkey is kind of a new thing, but the Ivey's have been fryin 'em since the dawn of time! It is definitely new to me. I am still in training and hope to someday earn my black belt in The Art of Frying Turkey from my father in-law, Master Rodney.  This is what I've learned so far! Smaller turkeys are best! Somewhere between 10-11 1/2 lbs. If they're too large they might not cook all the way through or be able to fit easily into your pot. You want to make sure the PEANUT OIL can totally surround the turkey. Your turkey MUST be totally thawed out and dry!!! This will take about 4 days in the refrigerator. Pull out all of the innards and inject with your choice of seasoning. The Ivey's use a highly guarded ancient secret recipe that takes 80 years to achieve access to. All I know about it is that it's a Butter Creole injection. So here's a link to one I found on Google.

This is Papa Charles Ivey. He was the Master of Masters at frying turkeys! I'm not sure when he fried his first, but judging by the age of this Oldsmoble, he was already a seasoned pro back in the 80's! {Also, the Ivey's backyard sets the perfect scene for frying turkey. It's like a waterfront campground complete with a fire pit, oyster table, citrus trees, pepper plants,  flora, fauna, antiques, and little characters everywhere!} The older the pot the better!Heat the peanut oil up to 350 degrees. Make sure you don't put too much oil in the pot, it will start to boil and overflow when you put the turkey in.Here's the Master at work! Very slowly placing the turkey in the oil while the flame is turned way down or even off. Notice he also has shoes on!While the turkey cooks at 350 degrees for 3 minutes per pound plus 5 minutes, we hang out at Susan's hide-a-way on the creek.We like to shoot stuff while waiting!This is Krissy's little sister Cassie. She shoots the turkeys for us! lolYou don't want to get shot by this gun!Don't mess with the Church of Christ!!!! Backyard guardian.The oil temperture will go down when cooking but you want to try to keep as close to 350 as possible. Your meat thermometer should be about 165 degrees.This is me taking the finished turkey out. You can pretty much read Rodney's lips as he tells me "you don't ever want to wear flip flops when frying a turkey". Yes, dripping hot oil on your feet is painful! Note taken!!The Master in his element! Now just wait to cool and drain and the turkey is ready to be served. The peanut oil can be saved and reused about 4-5 times.And of course Wynn is next in line to learn the Art of Frying Turkey! Hopefully one day I will learn Susan's Peanut Boiling Recipe!!!